extrinsic fraud การใช้
- A lawyer who hearing or trial could be held responsible for extrinsic fraud, as well as being subject to disciplinary action and a legal malpractice lawsuit.
- The County of Los Angeles opposed the motion, arguing the motion was filed after the six month limit to contest a default judgment and the mother s mere assertion that he was the father was insufficient to establish extrinsic fraud.
- In " Love v . Love ", the Nevada Supreme Court ruled that extrinsic fraud had led the putative father to sign an admission against his interest, thus allowing the court to grant equitable relief to undo the fraud.
- This was dismissed by both the Trial and then, in 2005, the Court of Appeal as being intrinsic fraud and subject to the Florida one year time limit to contest a dissolution decree, not extrinsic fraud, or a fraud upon the court, that can form the basis for relief from judgment more than a year later.